Technical Specfication
The heavy-duty 8900 Series
non-handed surface applied door
closer with adjustable spring
power and backcheck positioning
adjustment. The 8900 has two
independent, noncritical adjustment valves to control sweep and
latch closing speeds. The backcheck positioning valve maintains
an effective backcheck range on
parallel arm applications. The
8916 will be available with field
adjustable spring power from size
1–6 for barrier-free requirements.
All closers to have field adjustable spring power from size 1–6
and meet barrier-free requirements. The 8956 will be adjustable size 5 to 6 +50% additional
closing force over the size 6. All
8900 fully adjustable spring
force door closers to include an
integral design to positively stop
adjustment of the spring at the
minimum and maximum spring
force settings.
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